Saturday, November 17, 2012

Death Done Right (aka Safety Done Right Part 2)

(To make up for the 2-week gap in posting, we have a 2-post week ahead of us)

Let a psycho killer inside,
scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride,
take your helmet off in outer space
use a clothes dryer as hiding place-

Good job, Melbourne Metro.  I have not stopped singing this song since I first heard it a few days ago (thanks, Louise, for making sure that I saw it).  It does right everything we found heavy handed about the last cutesy public health animation I shared.  The message is simple and catchy and best of all, it’s a campaign with actionable steps for the viewer to take.  I’ve embedded the youtube video so you can see the song here, but you should really check out the Dumb Ways to Die site.  It’s happy; it’s funny; it’s informative.  It is wicked public health.  


  1. This video made my day. Who am I kidding- it made my month. Thank you.

  2. Hahah. This is so cute and catchy. Although I will say that unrefrigerated pie after 2 weeks is still good and will not kill you. Unless it is a meat pie. But meat kills anyway :)

    Must learn this song.
